Case Results

Order for Protection Entered Against Ex-Husband

September 2022

A client hired Brandon Segal to represent her after filing a TRO against her abusive ex-husband.  Brandon prepared the client for the evidentiary hearing, and obtained an extended Order for Protection against the opposing party, which prohibited the ex-husband from contacting, threatening, or physically abusing the client, and prohibited him from going to her residence and her place of business. 

The outcome of a particular case cannot be based upon past results, as every case is different.  Segal Law's promise to all of our clients is that we will provide zealous, diligent, ethical and professional representation, and every effort will be made to achieve the best possible result in light of the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client's case.

Practice area(s): Family

Court: Family Court of the Second Circuit

Brandon Segal, Esq.

Managing Attorney.